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Why do resealable oil bag become popular ?


Now, resealable oil bag becomes more and more popular. Why do so many people like to use the kind of oil packaging ?
First, we need to know some details of oils and fats packaging. Oils and fats can begin to go rancid quickly when not stored safely. Rancid cooking oils and fats do not often smell rancid until well after they have spoiled. Oxygen, light and heat all contribute to cooking oils becoming rancid. The higher the level of polyunsaturated fat that an oil contains, the faster it spoils. The percentage of polyunsaturated fat in some common cooking oils is: safflower (74%); sunflower (66%); corn (60%); soybean (37%); peanut (32%); canola (29%); olive (8%).
To help prevent oils from going rancid, they should be refrigerated once opened. Opened, refrigerated cooking oils should be used within a few weeks, when some types begin to go rancid. Unopened oils can have a storage life of up to one year, but some types have a shorter shelf-life even when unopened (such as sesame and flaxseed).
Our resealable oil bag could be freezing and resealed. And this two method prolongs storage time. What's more, upright resealable oil bag is easy to place in your refrigerator. That's the reason for the epidemic of resealable oil bag.