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common Chinese words in food packaging together with the indicating words in English


As China become stronger and stronger, many foregins go to China for living. While many of them know little about Chinese, it would be a hard time of them when they are news here. Mr. Kong says: Eating is the biggest things of people. In order to avoid mistakes in eating, Uni-pak collect some common Chinese words in food packaging together with the indicating words in English.
食品品质 Food Quality    
食品氧化 Food Oxidation
食品微生物        Food Microorganism
食品营养 Food Nutrition
高温杀菌  High Temperature Sterilization
蒸煮袋 Reportable Pouch
冻结                        Freezing
化学防腐 Chemical Preservation
辐照防腐            Radiation Asepsis
食品添加剂 Food Additive
微波灭菌        Microwave Sterilization
食品脱水 Food Dehydration
食品腌渍防腐      Food Preservation 
食品褐变变色 Food Browning
渗透性                Permeability  
饱和吸湿量 Saturated Moisture Content
环境因素         Environmental Factor
食品冷藏 Refrigerated Storage of Food
水分活度               Water Activity
冷冻调理食品 Frozen Prepared Food
低温贮藏      Low-temperature Storage
冷藏 Refrigerated Storage
冰温贮藏  Ice-temperature Storage
化学防腐剂 Chemical Preservative
辐射剂量 Radiation Dosage (or Dosage of Radiation)
杀菌剂                    Fungicide
微波辐射 Microwave Radiation
食品浓缩      Food Concentration
食品烟熏防腐 Fumigation Asepsis of Food
酶促褐变          Enzymatic Browning
油脂氧化 Oxidation of Fat and Oils
食品吸湿  Moisture absorbability of food 
临界水分值  Critical Moisture Content
包装设计                  Package Design
包装策略 Package Tactics
销售包装       Sales (or Consumer) Package
出口包装  Export Package
礼品包装                    Gift Package
泡罩包装  Blister Package
包装材料         Packaging Materials
包装科学与技术 Packaging Science and Technology
包装工程           Packaging Engineering
包装测试 Package Testing
包半装潢         Package Decorating
包装标准与法规 Package Standards and Statntes
包装有效期 Shelf Life of Package, Package life
食品包装                   Food Packaging
绿色包装 Green Packaging
纯牛奶     Pure Milk
产品种类:全脂灭菌纯牛奶Product Category:U.H.T. Full Cream Milk    
配料:鲜牛奶Ingredients:Fresh Milk    
营养成分:每100克内含 Nutrition Information:Per 100g            
脂肪 Fat    
蛋白质 Protein   
非脂乳固体 Non Fat Milk Solid      
能量     Energy        
千焦 KJ   
产品标准号Standard Code   
生产日期:见包装背面或封口处Production Date:See the back or the seal of package   
储藏指南:Storage Instructions:  
未开启前 常温 避光保存 Stay fresh without refrigeration.  
开启之后请贮存于2-6·C 并尽快饮用Keep refrigerated at 2-6·C and consume as soon as possible after opening. 
保质期:常温密闭条件下30天           Shelf Life:30 days   
保持环境情节 请勿乱抛空包             Please Dispose Properly.  
净含量             Net weight   
配料:鲜牛奶、白砂糖、草莓果料、椰果Ingredients: Fresh milk,Sugar,Strawberry,Nata,      
产品种类:全脂果粒酸牛奶Product Classification: Whole Milk Fruit Yoghurt   
大果粒酸牛奶yoghurt with big fruit pieces     
红茶+草莓+椰果Black tea&Strawberry&Nata      
可直接饮用,如需热饮,建议不要带包装加热 Direct drink.  If heating please get rid of package.
Hope the above tips would be helpful to our foregin friends.